抱歉這幾天比較忙又有點小感冒沒辦法抽出時間改圖打文章~還請見諒 :-P
These picture are not drawn by me, I just translate it, this comic author is humantrashmachine
Original comic: Click Here!
If you are these comic author and you don't want your art/works post on the other site please contact me with E-mail and I will immediately delete it.
Email: mmmmmmmmicoooooooo@gmail.com (There have "m"*8 and "o"*8)
Do not send spam mail to me,thank you!
尼克酒可以亂喝話不能亂說啊!!! 不對酒也不能亂喝啊啊啊!!!! XDDD
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